Who can attend
Anyone wants to have the awareness about Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and its usage who may be a students with any background, professionals who want to understand if they can take this us as an enhanced and alternative career option, Decision makers who want to be aware of these terminologies and its application. Having little bit of math background will be more helpful.
Benefits of Course
This provides an awareness about the buzz words, niche technology and what’s happening around us in the field of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. Student can learn about data science and how to do analysis on data and prepare reports in their day to day working and provide insight to management. Professionals can be upgraded with the knowledge of new technology and can create a difference in their peer group. In general having knowledge of any new technology is always good even for self-development and decision making.
What you’ll learn
- What is Data Science?
- Tools and Techniques
- Concept of AI, ML, DL and NLP
- Analysis Vs Analytics
- Advance Excel
- Exploring Data
- Analysing Data
- Preparing Data
- Analysing Data
- Foundation of SQL
- Foundation of Python
- Foundation of NumPy
- Foundation of Pandas
- Foundation of Matplotlib & Seaborn
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Dimensionality Reduction & Visualization
- Linear Algebra
- Classification & Regression model: K-Nearest Neighbors
- Probability And Statistics
- Performance Measurement of Models
- Classification Algorithms in various situations
- Naive Bayes
- Logistic Regression
- Linear Regression
- Solving Optimization Problem
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- Decision Tree
- Ensemble Models
- Exploratory Data Analysis on Fashion dataset.
- Sentiment Analysis of Customer review on Fashion Industry.